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  1. In animal studies of Sarafem and pregnancy, Sarafem caused the baby rats to weigh less; the baby rats were also less likely to survive. A few of the problems that Sarafem can potentially cause in a human baby include irritability, seizures, and lung...
  2. There are a number of possible side effects that may occur with the use of Sarafem. Sexual side effects are some of the commonly reported problems. Clinical studies have shown that Sarafem can cause a decrease in sex drive in up to 9 percent of women...
  3. In previous clinical studies, weight loss was not a reported side effect of Zyban. This may seem odd, given that the active ingredient of Zyban buproprion causes weight loss when used to treat depression. However, because weight gain often occurs when...
  4. If one is using nicotine replacements like Nicotine Gums or Inhalers, then it may not be enough. You may require other medications to get rid of the habit. These medications, along with the nicotine replacements, will enhance your chances of quitting...

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